Info Pieceboost your business

A professionally managed and expertly designed search engine optimisation campaign can lead to many long term positive growths within your business. If ran effectively, SEO can go hand in hand with brand awareness and online growth practices. Generally speaking SEO is used to increase organic traffic received on a particular website. However, in optimising your website and pushing it organically to the top of common search engines you are also strengthening your brand and the overall visibility of your brand name.

Search engine optimisation can often be overlooked in favour of social media campaigns, digital marketing/PPC, mailshot campaigns and offline sponsorships.

There are a couple main reasons to reconsider and stick with or take out an SEO campaign:

  1. The aforementioned methods, if done correctly can, all work hand in hand. You do not need to restrict yourself to 1 or 2 methods.
  2. SEO leads to long term brand growth, these methods may get your quick results and your name out there now, but as soon as you stop the outgoing payments, the benefits stop.

Given the nature of SEO you are not able to just pay Google or Bing to place you at the top, you need to work for it. SEO can be an enormous battle that can easily become very time consuming, which is why it needs to be done by professionals, using tools and techniques that are proven to work.

We very often find that the use of a long term SEO campaign to increase brand awareness outweighs the hefty costs required to maintain a ppc marketing campaign.

SEO can be extremely beneficial to help small & medium sized businesses grow and develop. Smaller businesses will often struggle to fight against the larger already established brands in the industry. Larger companies will have bigger budgets that they can dedicate towards their digital marketing methods such as PPC, sponsorships or email marketing. This additional funding allows them to inflate the bidding prices putting them out of reach of other businesses, which is why more and more companies are leaning towards SEO.