Info PieceReach

Are you looking to expand your businesses service area or maybe relocating your entire business to a new town/county?

Expanding your service area is a lot easier said than done, moving into new areas means new competition, new content to compete against and new problems faced.

Using search engine optimisation is an ideal way to facilitate your move and broaden your overall reach.

You need to be very specific and effective in the way that you expand your businesses service areas, using local SEO tactics to strengthen your brand within the new regions whilst not damaging your existing service area.

Expanding into your new area requires use of local SEO tactics like service area sections, meta tag/description implementation & content specific to your new regions / areas.

Remember you are not starting from scratch here, a lot of times businesses end up doing more harm to their existing brand whilst expanding than they know. You can easily harness your existing brand, online presence and reputation to speed up the organic SEO process, so long as it is handled correctly and professionally.

Your existing site and pages will have had many months, if not years, of indexing and online records supporting their reputation. Your new areas, pages and content will often be fresh in the scene and sink below existing businesses that have had time to organically grow like you did previously.